Sunday, May 08, 2005

My life sucks. im jinx for life. the only way to end this curse is to die... but i wont though. just yesterday before church i was playing the computer. i decided to get a drink and i opened the door. WHAM! the door hit my glasses n it broke. i was so shocked. my lens broke. i mean like my lens is so thick. and the lens broke, just like that. now i use double sided tape to stick it together. it sucks. its so obvious, and worse still, i cant find my contact lens. im you can see. last year, my glasses got washed away by the sea. now my framless glasses that i paid with my money is gone. now i got to do some shit work for my dad in order to get a new CHEAP pair. i feel like shouting "NO WAY!!!!! I RATHER PAY IT THEN WORK FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!" but as you know, life is unfair. you just gotta listen. im now doing his shit work n typing this with my specs with other half of the lens gona fall out any sec. on friday we had this fiesta thing. we had to PAY to free dress. meaning wear anything you want to school. we had a prayer in homeroom then we had to go to a St.Dominic Church ,which was opposite us, for a mass. after mass, they start setting up stalls selling things like popcorn, candyfloss, hotdog, raffles, crepes. our whole middle school waratah was selling pizza. each of us from middle waratah paid $2 to buy the pizza. and they sell for $2. so lame. i spent $5 overall. $2 for pizza, $1 for trying my luck to get a chocoalte bar, $1 for a soft drink which is spilled half of it, $1 for a popcorn which tasted like like shit. then they annoced that need to change into costume. our costume is big oversized shirt which has no one wants. siao hor? then we went to the drama thether and put "make up". the make up is some brown stuff which smears all over yr face. eewww. one of my friend put so much looks like she landed on mud. we did our dance and play. guess what??! we won overall!!!!!!! with our crap dance and all. i think our play ending sucks compared to others though, lol. our ending is we all standing down there and shouting the waratah cheer. which is not a GOOD ending in my opinion. anwayz, we won!!! thats what is important!!! LOL!!

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