Friday, February 18, 2005

What I have learned so far...

These few days i learned lots of things, sum good sum bad... Good thing is that i learned how to ride a bike.. YAY!!! The bad stuff is that my things are DAMAGED after sending them here.. GGGRRR.... feel like killing the person hu destroyed it!!!! I oso learned that my school has all this stupid stuff to learn like drama.. DRAMA!!! how stupid and lame is that??!! And now we got to this research thing of mime. Then we have this performance coming up..and all my team mates sux.. They all take over lyke they're in charge.. BLEH!! Then we have to learn religious education.. the teacher is lyke totally... freaky!!! i guess... Tell them we learn enough already!!! Then we have to learn chinese which is SSSSOOOO easy for me, french is hard though. Hope i make some frens so if not im a loner..meaning no frens to be with.. even though theres 1 girl... shes always like so annoying... hope these few days gets better.. wish me luck!!

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