Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Feeling terribe and sad today

Today i think i did something very bad...maybe not tat serious lorx..but still....During PE today a friend to be wanted to use the light javelin i took but instead i said no. Then she looks angry and yet sad. Now i feel terrible, and during class i daren't sit with the "group". But her frens still say hi and bye to is that a good sign?? I now feel sad as i feel so bad. And when i add her yesterday and she went online today and she said ask me who i am. I replied "Fiona". She goes "fiona who?" and i was lyke in total SHOCK!! Then i told her to guess who i am as my dad suggest it and i did. Guess what was her re-action?? She replied "i dont know who u r u must be harassing me".HAHAHAHA!!!! You're not -miss popular-must be frens with- why the heck must i harass you??!! Funny lehx..My dad den again tell me to tell her "sori see u tmr den" and i did and i quickly block her. Didnt want to let her see mi online. Plus oso today smth very funny happen. Back home, the weather so hot right and lyke wan to die rite? Today the water pipe kana hit by the machine cos got construction... so no water for the water cooler and tap in the toilet. See their face lyke wan to die lyke that and hor they let us home early lehz!!! So we miss last period and second last period. NICE SIA!!!

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